June Fun

June has been filled with my first attempts at gardening, Grandma Camp, Braille Camp, the splash pad with Aunt Desi and cousins, a few trips to Lagoon with Buckholts cousins, RAD kids class, an overnight camping trip to YMCA's Camp Roger, Laura's trip to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens with Linda and Kim, Activity Day Camp for Marilyn, Father's Day, watching the air show in the backyard with Daddy, dinner out for me with ALL of my sisters (Megan was in town for GC) and my mom, walks with my amazing husby after the kids are in bed, and heavenly weather and sunshine.

It's been a GREAT month.

My Garden: Up until this year I haven't had a single flower growing in my yard and I've liked it that way. It was neat, tidy, and easy to maintain. It pretty much sums up my personality. Marilyn has had other preferences though and has been begging me to grow pretty things. So we caved. And now I'm hooked. I'm the most doting flower mommy there is now over my pathetic beginners gardens and I'm loving every minute of it.

RAD Kids: I've signed my kids up for as many classes and camps as possible to keep them busy and happy AND NOT FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER! RAD Kids was a class taught by the city police which taught them all about  personal safety including how to fight an abductor. If a child is abducted and they don't make any noise their chances of survival are something like 3%. If they fight back and make a lot of noise the percentage goes way up. It was such a fun and useful class that I'm going to sign them up every summer from now on. And did you get that? In order to keep my children from getting bored and fighting with each other I had professionals teach them how to fight? Ha! Luckily they haven't used any of their new moves on each other yet.

Overnight Family Camping Trip: Noah's going to the YMCA's Camp Roger for a whole week in late July so we went up as a family for an overnighter to test it out at the annual "Open House". It helped put Noah more at ease getting to experience a little of the atmosphere and fun ahead of time. Max especially loved the campfire program full of silly songs and skits that the camp counselors put on, Noah fell in love with the horses and had fun doing the archery, and Marilyn liked having her own bunk bed in the cozy little cabin. The kids got to do all kind of activities including roasting marshmallows, archery, horseback riding, mountain biking, face painting, and an orienteering mini class. Noah's going to have a fantastic time there later this month.

Day of Service at Grandpa and Grandma's house: Right after school got out Noah and I spent a day at my parents house helping them with various things and Noah got some time with my sister's doggie Dash. This is a rare treat for Noah because he is highly allergic to animals. He so loves Dash though and it was excellent play therapy for both of them! Afterwards he got a long bath in Grandma's special jet tub and felt like a king.

Grandma Camp: The 3rd Annual Grandma Camp was a smashing sucess! Megan, Joel, Paisley and Emerson flew in from San Diego which made everything complete. 

Day one we went to the Museum of Natural Curiousity, had a picnic outside, and we played all day long. We had the biggest group participate in the high ropes course there, which delighted me because I've been talking a few more of my niecephews into doing it every year. This year the adventurers were me, Marilyn, Noah, Max (for the first time and he loved it!), Linda, Kim, Andrew, Krista, Gwen, Emily, Sam, and Jami. Everyone tested their limits and found out they were stronger than they thought.

Day two we hiked to Timpanogos Cave, then had a yummy lunch at Taco Time, and then Krista and I took our kids plus Jami to Cascade Springs. I loved the chance to teach my kids about the rocks and flowers and give them a chance to push their bodies. My kids did great, hiking up the mountain like the exertion was fun, and it was. I was proud of them. Noah was so thrilled with the cave that he stood next to the guide the entire time answering a bunch of her questions and when we exited our tour he was so lit up all he talked about the whole way down was how he wanted to be a forest ranger when he grew up. We got down the mountain and he spent 45 minutes with Max and Andrew completing a workbook so they could earn their Jr. Ranger badges.

Day three was Krista's amazing Amazing Race. This is a big favorite at Grandma Camp every year and this year's race was focused around a bunch of places that played a big part in how we five sisters grew up: all three of our schools and Chick-Fil-A (where all five of us worked). It was fun to show our children more about how we grew up. This time we had to take pictures of ourselves in all the places the clues led us to and doing the challenges and then send the pictures to Krista by our phones and she would then text us a picture of where we would go next and we'd have to figure out the location from just the picture. It added a fun dimension to the race. For the challenges we had to pick up a certain colored marble in a swimming pool with our toes, build a marshmallow launcher, eat baby food, draw pictures of each team member and write nice things about them using sidewalk chalk, memorize and act out a poem, figure out the flavor of 6 unnamed jelly beans, complete a water challenge, make and deliver get well cards for cancer patients in one of the wards Krista works in at the hospital, and a few more. This year for the first time ever MY TEAM won!!!

Day four we had a card/board game marathon, made craft projects, and homemade soft pretzels.

Day five we spent some time cleaning up after ourselves at Grandma's house, took a tour of the Conference Center (it's where Grandma and Grandpa serve their mission), had a delicious lunch at the Lion House Pantry, competed in a sit up competition, and explored the new church history museum.

Braille Camp: Marilyn got to participate in a sleep away Braille Camp sponsored by the Utah Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She slept at a hotel, played lots of literacy based games, went swimming, to go see a movie (with audio descriptions), and even learned how to do tricks on a flying trapeze. What a fun time!

Air Show: One of the perks of living by the Air Force Base is that the kids got to watch the air show in the backyard with their Daddy. (Sometimes it feels like there is an air show every day.)

Looking back on June I have a hard time believing we did all of this in one month! It was a happy time


It's a Buckholts Thing

Yesterday was my beautiful niece Samantha's birthday party at Lagoon which meant that my sister Heidi made up a bunch of silly games for the kids to play while I got to sit and chat with my parents. After getting the kids out the door, which is almost always a chore, watching them have fun while I got some grown up time with two of my favorite grown ups was just what I needed. My mom and I coincidentally wore our "It's a Buckholts thing (you wouldn't understand)" sweatshirts. I love my family and the more family history research I do on my Buckholts side the more proudly I identify with them.

After the birthday games, cake, and presents we split into a few groups depending on what rides the kids wanted to go on. Max went with the more adventurous group, Marilyn was Grandma's buddy all day, and that meant that Noah and I got some good snuggle time on all of the rides we went on that day. I love that my boy is 10 years old and still loves to snuggle with me.

One of the highlights of the day was getting to be with my Dad, who hasn't always had a pass to Lagoon but this year does. It was fun to watch him go on the Ferris Wheel and the Paratroopers, which has always been his favorite. 

It was a good day with lots of sunshine under a big, blue sky.

24 Posts In 1

This will be the post where I cram all the fun we had in the busiest month of the year into one entry. (There will be a prize if you get through this. Not really.) That's pretty much how December goes in real life though, right? You're busy enough in one month to equal what should be a whole year's worth of busyness and you cram it all into one month. 

In keeping with tradition the advent "Calendar Elf", or masochistic me, has kept us really busy. Every morning in December the kids came down to see what felt ornament the "Calendar Elf" had left us to put on our advent wreath and in the pocket for the day there was a little note detailing the fun activity we got to do.

The notes the "Calendar Elf" left us said:

December 1 - "Have your mom fill up this jar with Christmas candy." Of course there was a glass jar that I filled accordingly and bribed the kids with the contents of for a few days.

December 2 - "Do a secret act of service for someone and then put a piece of hay in the manger." Last year Grandma Parker gave us a little ceramic manger to lay the baby Jesus in with a tiny bag of miniature hay. For each good dead a person does you can lay a piece of hay in the manger to make the bed all cozy for Jesus.

December 3 - "It's Grandpa Buckholts' birthday! Call him!"

December 4 - "Go to Temple Square to see the lights."

We rode the Frontrunner train down to Salt Lake with Linda's family. The kids sat next to each other and played and Linda and I chatted while we enjoyed not having to drive on the icy roads. When we got to the food court at City Creek we met up with our friends from high school for a "Hug-a-Bunch" 20 year reunion.  (Yes, that's what our group of friends called ourselves. We were dorky and VERY happy being so. No one had more fun in high school than we did.) It's been 20 years and I haven't seen some of these people for that long but I love them every bit as much as I did all those years ago.

Marilyn was grumpy and my boys were rowdy. that's pretty much how it goes when i am interested in doing something.

December 5 - "Celebrate Grandpa's birthday by going out to lunch with him. Get pictures taken with Santa."

I already shared our pictures from the photo shoot so here are our warm up pictures. Santa didn't realize Marilyn was visually impaired when she wasn't paying attention to him talking to her and then when we told him he was super embarrassed. Marilyn always has a good-hearted laugh with us when people make unknowing faux pas.

Good heavens those dimples are adorable!

These boys are either best friends or fighting.

Max waited for Santa patiently by making a drawing for him. We took a picture of it before sticking it in Santa's mailbox.

December 6 - "Watch the First Presidency Christmas devotional."

December 7 - "Hang these on your bedroom door." They each got a festive jingle bell doorknob hanger.

December 8 - "Make these fun Christmas projects with your mom after school." 

Noah wanted his done as quickly as possible so I did most of it but he proudly displayed it on his bedside table and played with it after bedtime. 

Max's was the most complicated having both an exterior and and interior, like a doll's house, and he did most of it by himself.

Marilyn and I meticulously worked on hers together and she delighted in every glittery sticker.

December 9 - "Paint these ornaments for the Christmas tree after school."


December 10 - "Get neighbor and teacher presents ready to hand out."

December 11 - "Deliver neighbor and teacher presents."

December 12 - "Watch a Christmas movie."

December 13 - "It's the family Christmas concert/talent show."

December 14 - "Go to the dollar store and buy one present for each of your siblings."

December 15 - "Wrap the presents you bought for your siblings yesterday and put them under the tree."

December 16 - "Use these Christmas cards to write a thank you note or a love note to someone and then surprise them with it."

December 17 - "Make cookies."

December 18 - "Go see the new Star Wars movie." We all had fun giving Marilyn a crash course in Star Wars mythology.

December 19 - "Go ice skating with your Buckholts cousins."

December 20 - "Put up the nativity and read a Christmas story from the Friend magazine."

December 21 - "Have a playdate with the Green family!" We've made friends with a great family who has a bunch of kids in their family that came from China like ours. Marilyn especially is good friends with Lexi and Conner who are also blind and attend all the same "Short Term Programs" and summer camps that she goes to. They live a ways away so this is the first time we have gotten together at one of our houses so that made our night extra special. 

We went to their beautiful home and had Indian fry bread for dinner with all kinds of yummy things to put on top. Marilyn, Lexi, and Conner were in heaven playing together and it made me wish that we lived closer so they could hang out more often. Max and Noah ran around the whole night playing with Sophi and Xander. Chris and I had a fantastic time chatting with their parents, Jeremy and Christi. The whole night was brought to us by Conner who had made a list of things he wanted for Christmas and having Marilyn over for dinner was at the top of his list. Thanks Conner!

Conner and Lexi gave Marilyn some fun bracelets as a Christmas present. The one from Lexi is a best friends bracelet that they each wear half of and they promised each other to wear them to every short term they go to. It was so cute.

December 22 - "Make gingerbread houses with your Buckholts cousins."

December 23 - "Drink hot chocolate and eat cookies:

Decebmber 24 - "It's Christmas Eve! Go to the Children's Discovery Gateway museum with your Buckholts cousins and then have a fancy dinner at Grandma & Grandpa Parker's house with your Parker cousins.

Thanksgiving 2015

Every year we switch off what side of the family we spend Thanksgiving with and this year was a Buckholts Thanksgiving. 

My amazing sister Krista is a *nurse at a hospital and had to work from noon until 6pm but I got there in time to give her a hug and see her off. We waited until she got off to have dinner which meant we had the whole day to pamper her girls on her behalf and spend the day playing together and making fun crafts.

*Is there anything more Christlike than a nurse? I don't think so. She takes care of people when they are most vulnerable. She helps them live and helps them as they die. She's there for them when she'd rather be with her kids even on weekends and holidays. She lifts them, washes them, talks to them, has spent long nights by their sides when they are all alone, and is constantly looking out for their best interest. She's one of my greatest heroes. 

My dad took my awesome husby out to the garage to teach him how to cast lead bullets and they were both pretty giddy about it. Chris has been loving reloading bullets in our basement lately and my dad is thrilled to finally have a son to whom he can pass on his decades of reloading bullet knowledge to. It made my heart so happy to see them spending time together in that way.

My mom took some of the girls aside to have them help her mix up our favorite pistachio salad in their Great Grandma Madsen's bowl. That's my mom's yearly Thanksgiving tradition.

Heidi brought crafts galore to keep us busy with our kiddos. We spent the day knitting hats on looms and making wreaths with what each person was thankful for written on each leaf. Marilyn especially loved working on the hat craft and she and I worked together as a team on it all day long. It was fun to chat with my mom and sisters as we worked.

It was a good pie year, opposed to last year when we had the "pie curse" and had forgotten to put sugar in the pumpkin pies and the lemon meringue had gotten sloshed around in the back of Linda's car. My awesome husby had experimented with making his own pumpkin pies this year in the style of his mom's and we all declared him the Pumpkin Pie King. My mom, sisters, and I had spent the day before together going to the Jordan River Temple for an early morning session together and then spent the rest of the day making pies together.

It was a great Thanksgiving! (We really missed Megan and her family who needed to stay in San Diego but were glad that Joel's family got to go out and spend Thanksgiving with them. Love you Meg!)