Halloween 2016

Halloween is one of my favorite days to play with my kids. This Halloween Awesome Husby was out of town on a business trip to San Diego so I was all alone with my kids. I'm always lonely when he is gone but this time was a little better because my kids had Halloween off school and I enjoyed being with them all day long. We carved pumpkins, ate Cafe Rio take out for dinner and then went Trick-or-Treating together. 

Carving pumpkins is a lot harder than it looks. It takes a lot of patience and some good fine motor skills; all things my children are developing. Every year that goes by I'm encouraging my kids to be a little more independent. This year I told them they were going to carve their pumpkins on their own as much as possible. I watched as they struggled, did better than they thought they could, adapted, complained, asked for help, gave up, and continued with perseverance. This year they learned that things that are fun aren't always easy. While they worked I fished out pumpkin seeds from the guts to roast later, which are a traditional favorite in our family.

Marilyn had the most perseverance carving pumpkins out of all of my kids. She's got lots of practice with that perseverance stuff. Max even carves his pumpkin like a ninja! I hurried and took this picture during the first two minutes of Noah carving his pumpkin because that's how long it took for him before he said, "to heck with it" and went to find something else to do, and that's OK.

Linda came over every day after school to give me some adult companionship and make and eat dinner together. What a difference it made in my mood! She and Kim helped me clean my house, fold my laundry, and work on gardening projects together. On one of these days he told me a story I didn't remember from growing up; it's interesting how differently we remember things. We lived duplicate lives and yet things that made impressions on her didn't on me and vice versa. When I was 7 or 8 my teacher made us pumpkin seeds and brought them to school to share. For an assignment we had to write a recipe on a card and I wrote the recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds. I'd never had them before and apparently loved them so much that I saved that recipe card for months and gave it to my mom for a present for Mother's Day or something. 39 year old me thought that was really adorable of 7 or 8 year old me! I think I like pumpkin seeds even better now. 

Halloween night the kids and I set out to go Trick-or-Treating. Noah was a cobbled together amalgam of whatever he could find in our costume box and around the house that he thought would be fun. He wore these goggles the whole time that shined blue lights out of them and he covered it up with a black ski mask. He could barely see where he was going and I spent the whole night guiding him around while he held onto my arm. That kid! Marilyn was a very pretty self made version of Raspberry Torte from the cartoon Strawberry Shortcake. Max was a green ninja. I always feel so carefree and childlike with my kids when we Trick-or-Treat together and this night was no different.

24 Posts In 1

This will be the post where I cram all the fun we had in the busiest month of the year into one entry. (There will be a prize if you get through this. Not really.) That's pretty much how December goes in real life though, right? You're busy enough in one month to equal what should be a whole year's worth of busyness and you cram it all into one month. 

In keeping with tradition the advent "Calendar Elf", or masochistic me, has kept us really busy. Every morning in December the kids came down to see what felt ornament the "Calendar Elf" had left us to put on our advent wreath and in the pocket for the day there was a little note detailing the fun activity we got to do.

The notes the "Calendar Elf" left us said:

December 1 - "Have your mom fill up this jar with Christmas candy." Of course there was a glass jar that I filled accordingly and bribed the kids with the contents of for a few days.

December 2 - "Do a secret act of service for someone and then put a piece of hay in the manger." Last year Grandma Parker gave us a little ceramic manger to lay the baby Jesus in with a tiny bag of miniature hay. For each good dead a person does you can lay a piece of hay in the manger to make the bed all cozy for Jesus.

December 3 - "It's Grandpa Buckholts' birthday! Call him!"

December 4 - "Go to Temple Square to see the lights."

We rode the Frontrunner train down to Salt Lake with Linda's family. The kids sat next to each other and played and Linda and I chatted while we enjoyed not having to drive on the icy roads. When we got to the food court at City Creek we met up with our friends from high school for a "Hug-a-Bunch" 20 year reunion.  (Yes, that's what our group of friends called ourselves. We were dorky and VERY happy being so. No one had more fun in high school than we did.) It's been 20 years and I haven't seen some of these people for that long but I love them every bit as much as I did all those years ago.

Marilyn was grumpy and my boys were rowdy. that's pretty much how it goes when i am interested in doing something.

December 5 - "Celebrate Grandpa's birthday by going out to lunch with him. Get pictures taken with Santa."

I already shared our pictures from the photo shoot so here are our warm up pictures. Santa didn't realize Marilyn was visually impaired when she wasn't paying attention to him talking to her and then when we told him he was super embarrassed. Marilyn always has a good-hearted laugh with us when people make unknowing faux pas.

Good heavens those dimples are adorable!

These boys are either best friends or fighting.

Max waited for Santa patiently by making a drawing for him. We took a picture of it before sticking it in Santa's mailbox.

December 6 - "Watch the First Presidency Christmas devotional."

December 7 - "Hang these on your bedroom door." They each got a festive jingle bell doorknob hanger.

December 8 - "Make these fun Christmas projects with your mom after school." 

Noah wanted his done as quickly as possible so I did most of it but he proudly displayed it on his bedside table and played with it after bedtime. 

Max's was the most complicated having both an exterior and and interior, like a doll's house, and he did most of it by himself.

Marilyn and I meticulously worked on hers together and she delighted in every glittery sticker.

December 9 - "Paint these ornaments for the Christmas tree after school."


December 10 - "Get neighbor and teacher presents ready to hand out."

December 11 - "Deliver neighbor and teacher presents."

December 12 - "Watch a Christmas movie."

December 13 - "It's the family Christmas concert/talent show."

December 14 - "Go to the dollar store and buy one present for each of your siblings."

December 15 - "Wrap the presents you bought for your siblings yesterday and put them under the tree."

December 16 - "Use these Christmas cards to write a thank you note or a love note to someone and then surprise them with it."

December 17 - "Make cookies."

December 18 - "Go see the new Star Wars movie." We all had fun giving Marilyn a crash course in Star Wars mythology.

December 19 - "Go ice skating with your Buckholts cousins."

December 20 - "Put up the nativity and read a Christmas story from the Friend magazine."

December 21 - "Have a playdate with the Green family!" We've made friends with a great family who has a bunch of kids in their family that came from China like ours. Marilyn especially is good friends with Lexi and Conner who are also blind and attend all the same "Short Term Programs" and summer camps that she goes to. They live a ways away so this is the first time we have gotten together at one of our houses so that made our night extra special. 

We went to their beautiful home and had Indian fry bread for dinner with all kinds of yummy things to put on top. Marilyn, Lexi, and Conner were in heaven playing together and it made me wish that we lived closer so they could hang out more often. Max and Noah ran around the whole night playing with Sophi and Xander. Chris and I had a fantastic time chatting with their parents, Jeremy and Christi. The whole night was brought to us by Conner who had made a list of things he wanted for Christmas and having Marilyn over for dinner was at the top of his list. Thanks Conner!

Conner and Lexi gave Marilyn some fun bracelets as a Christmas present. The one from Lexi is a best friends bracelet that they each wear half of and they promised each other to wear them to every short term they go to. It was so cute.

December 22 - "Make gingerbread houses with your Buckholts cousins."

December 23 - "Drink hot chocolate and eat cookies:

Decebmber 24 - "It's Christmas Eve! Go to the Children's Discovery Gateway museum with your Buckholts cousins and then have a fancy dinner at Grandma & Grandpa Parker's house with your Parker cousins.

Our Annual Decorating the Tree Pictures

You know what I like about me? I'm pretty happy with who I am. I like dressing up and wearing cute clothes but I'm just as happy, and maybe more, wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants. I like that on this day it was the end of the day and I didn't look "perfect" and either did my kids and what I cared about most was taking a picture of the way I love my kids. That's what these pictures say to me.